Shortly after organizing the San Diego chapter of Silliman Alumni, a project to “give back” to our Alma Matter was contemplated.
After considering several options, the renovation of the Amphitheater became the overwhelming favorite.
Reasons for the Project
Reasons for the selection of the Amphitheater for our initial project included:
“An icon in the heart of the campus needed attention
Fond memories of time spent in the Amphitheater
A place where future alumni can enhance their Silliman Experience
A rallying place for political and social development
A peaceful and quiet venue to study and contemplate the activities at hand
A beautiful place to rest and a serene place for inspiration”
Each San Diego Sillimanite had their own unique positive experience associated with the Amphitheater and decided that such opportunities would be a great contribution to preserve and pass on to the next generation of Sillimanites.
Working for a Dream
Then the work begun.
Raising funds to implement a dream was a challenging proposition for the small band of Sillimanites and Friends with limited times and means. Each had to make the personal commitment to share both time and disposable income between the needs of work, raising a family, and now the PROJECT.
Members engaged in creative fund raising activities. Events such as a Pancake Breakfast, a Concert Presentation, a Craft Workshop, a Pizza Promotion Event, etc. all contributed toward raising the funds needed to begin the renovation project.
Implementing the Project
With funds on hand, contact was made with responsible personnel at Silliman University. Discussion led toward a mutual agreement on the needs of SU, the costs and the scope of the task to be done.
To be completed by Founder’s Day were the following:
install a drainage system to eliminate flooding after heavy rains
Replace weathered benches
Repair damaged seats
Paint structures to blend with surroundings.
Install a plaque to commemorate the occasion
And thus it came to pass that on Founders Day of 1995, celebrants gathered at the renovated Amphitheater after the traditional Diana and Sunrise Service. Among the participants was the representative of association President Amelia Hernandez-Buluran who read the SUAF Letter of Presentation to conclude the Amphitheater project.
Renewal of Commitment
In 1995, it had come to the attention of the San Diego Alumni and Friends that the Amphitheater was once again in need of attention.
Association President Fely Tan-Narvaez, led the effort to define the needs and costs of undertaking the project. Not surprisingly, the membership whole heartedly endorsed the continuation of the Amphitheater project.
Again by mutual agreement between SU and the SUAF was that the following tasks will be funded and completed for use on Founders Day.
Repair of weathered and damaged benches
Increase Amphitheater seating capacity
Paint all the seats
With a track record of fiscal responsibility, the SUAF had sufficient funds in the treasury to allocate to the project. It was kind of ironic that the down side of the project this time was that members did not have “fun” associated with fund raising events.
On Founders Day of 2006, Fely Tan-Narvaez represented the association at ceremonies where SU extended appreciation for the contributions of the SUAF@SD in keeping traditions alive at the Silliman campus.
In 2019, SUAFSD donated about $1,500 for the painting of the Amphitheater.
Projects Benefits
We, the members of SUAF would like to believe that this project, though modest in size achieves outstanding benefits such as:
Preservation of Silliman University infrastructure
Continuation of opportunities to enhance the Silliman Experience
Satisfaction in being able to “give back” to our Alma Mater
A demonstration that we, Sillimanites in San Diego, have learned acquired and cultivated the Silliman Spirit within us.
–-By John Olivar