– Dec. 9, 2023-
The Yuletide Season brings its magic once again. It’s the time for festivities, gift-giving, sharing, and, above all, remembering the birth of our Savior.
It is this spirit that drives SUAF members, their family members and friends to gather each year to celebrate friendships, and renew their commitment to our Alma Mater, Silliman University. It is also a time to thank those who have given exemplary service to the association.
This year, that honor was given to the Selzers- Erna and Paul, who, despite being new members, have shown great enthusiasm, generosity to everyone, and deep commitment to the association. Both have been fundraising, organizing field trips, volunteering to drive, and showing great friendship to all members. Despite living in Mission Viejo, an hour and a half to two-hour drive to San Diego, they never missed any meetings and were always at SUAF’s social gatherings and activities.
During the event, a short business meeting was held, presided over by the current president, Laarni Gularek. After the meeting, John Olivar facilitated the election of new officers for 2024. The new officers are Louella Dolar, president; Precila Garrido, vice president; Miriam Tan Cole, secretary; David Field, treasurer; and Gloria Valencia, auditor.
The Christmas celebration was graced by Rev. Alan Ramos, also a Silliman graduate (B.S. Electrical Engineering 1977 & Master of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary), who gave the inspirational talk. SUAF acquired new members besides Rev. Ramos. Mr. Arthur Rivera signed up for a lifetime membership.
As part of fundraising, a raffle was held, with prizes donated by members. SUAFSD provided the food, and the Socials Committee, headed by Priscilla Madrid, organized the party, food, decorations and venue preparation.
~By Louella Dolar